Unlocking Life's Potential: Embracing Peaks and Valleys on the Journey to Achieving Dreams
Some time ago, I fell in love with the concept of mountains as the great symbols of achieving our goals and pursuing our dreams. I view...
Unlocking Life's Potential: Embracing Peaks and Valleys on the Journey to Achieving Dreams
Unlocking Your Dreams: Harnessing the Power of Colours for Manifestation
The colour purple. The lavender fields story. Travel Tasmania through lavender and vineyards fields.
The Tourist Story. The aha! again.
She is the hero.
What are you waiting for? DO IT.
What do idiots got to do with heroes?
My grandpa recipe for happy living.
The Idea which I met down the road..
The lessons of Patagonia.
Connecting the dots.
I keep falling and I keep failing. Success re-defined.
Love your ideas.
It always starts NOW.
When people tell me.. 3x
Bright up the road.
My top picks on books:
The ghost on your shoulder.
So lucky.
Stay grateful and Carry On.